Welcome To The Garden OF Evolvement
If You Are In Need Of Advice And Guidance From A Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Shaman, And Ordained Minister You Have Come To The Right Place!
About Your Coach
Although I Was Only Born In 2000, I Have Spent More Than Half Of My Life Dedicated To The Research Of Different Religions And Beliefs Throughout Not Only The World But As Well Time. Although This Is My Buisness, I Would Like My Cliental To Also View Me As A Supportive Friend Who Will Always Have Your Best Interest In Mind!
Contact Me For More Information And Pricing Inquiries @ gardenofevolvement@gmail.com OR Find Me On Instagram Or Facebook @ gardenofevolvement
Welcome To The Garden Of Evolvement Where There Is Always Room To Grow
Receive Certified Spiritual LIfe Coaching From Shaman AbiRose Harris
Embark On A Journey Of The Soul, Mind, And Body. While Being Taught To Manifest The Good Days, WE Will Guide You On How To Also Embrace The Bad Days. Most Flowers And Plants Cannot Thrive Without Rain And Neither Can WE. Upon Signing Up For This Journey You Will Receive A Questionnaire So That WE Not Only Know What You Expect To Gain In Your Time With US But Also To Help You Become More Aware Of Things WE Believe WE CAN Help You With. This Program Is Strictly VIrtual So You'll Be Able To Access Your Progress Plan And Weekly Goals And Reviews At Your Own Convenience WIth A Contact Number Available To You At Any TIme Between The Hours Of 10 AM - 6 PM M-F And For A ADDITIONAL COST 10AM– 8PM 7 Days A Week. With Manifestation, Meditation, MIndfulness, Chakra Clearing, Karmic Clearing, Confidence In Yourself, And Past LIfe Regression Your Will Be Able To Give Yourself The Key To Your Most Successful Future.
What Is Spiritual Life Coaching ?
A way to involve a Spiritual Element to the traditional Coaching Relationship. A Spiritual Coach will guide their Clients to find inner happiness, peace and harmony while supporting them on their journey to finding their own sense of wholeness.
A Spiritual Coach, also called a Spiritual Life Coach, explores the Deeper Connections between people and the Universe. They help others gain a new or deeper understanding of the world they live in and the energies that flow within it. Through their work, a Spiritual Coach will use various Healing tools to support their Clients’ Journeys. They act as a guide to unleashing self-trust and compassion in another person.
By becoming a Member of The Garden Of Evolvement Universal Church You Agree To Becoming An Ever-evolving Change In The World For The Better Of Yourself And The World We Live In. While The Church is Accepting of ALL Faiths, Beliefs, And Religions We Do Have A Morality Code that we expect our Members to follow.
People choose to work with Spiritual Coaches for many reasons. Some of the primary areas in which Spiritual Coaches often work with Clients include:
Releasing Judgments and Negative Self-talk
Shifting to a Positive Mindset
Developing a sense of empowerment
Understanding your true Purpose
Uncovering your Internal Blocks to Happiness
Discovering your Own Spirituality
Understanding who you Truly Are
Learning to Listen to your Intuition
Healing Past Wounds
Manifesting what you want in Life
Finding Appreciation and Joy
Navigating Difficult Life Challenges
Is spirituality the same thing as religion?
People often wonder if they need to be religious to work with or become a Spiritual Coach. The Answer is No. Unlike Religion, Spirituality does not come with a set of codes or doctrines. It is about the Connection to Something Bigger Than Ourselves. By Remembering and Honoring that Connection, people can cultivate Feelings of Love, Compassion and Awareness. A Spiritual Coach will always Respect their Client’s Personal Religious Beliefs.
Spiritual Healing is a significant part of Spiritual Life Coaching. Sometimes, we have to get rid of the items that are hindering us from Evolving before we can begin to plan for that future that we truly desire. Healing allows us to feel released from our wounds and then limited patterns of behavior and thinking so that we can make way for new habits and thoughts that align with our dreams. Spiritual life coaches work with their clients to create new habits and integrate beliefs that are perfectly designed to take us where we want to be. Healing is an extremely valuable step because it allows us to leave the past behind and become anew. When we sever the connection between ourselves and past pains, it is less likely that the same issues will come up and sabotage us in the future. Healing is the fastest and most secure way to ensure a full transformation of Mind, Body, and Soul.
There are many different methods used by Spiritual Life Coaches and Healers for Clearing Away Emotional Wounds and Physical Imbalances. Spiritual Life Coaches may be trained in One or Several Different Techniques. These methods can range from Ancient Rituals to very modern practices and can be vastly different from one another. You can try several techniques or practices to see which you like best as well as to see which methods are most effective for you. A Spiritual Life Coach is the Perfect Mentor to guide you along the path to Healing and help you figure out which methods best suit your needs.
Chakra Healing
Chakras are the Energetic centers throughout Our Bodies that correspond with Our Emotions and Vital Health Areas. Many believe that blockages of these Chakras can lead to Illness, Stress, as well as Mental and Emotional Problems. If this idea resonates with you, talk to your Coach about Chakra Healing to find out about their Experience and Knowledge of this Ancient Practice.
Reiki Healing
Reiki Healing is Boosting Energy Levels throughout The Body with a hands on technique. According to Reiki Practitioners, Energy is what gives us Life. So Reiki Practitioners work to bring Thriving Energy to the Ailing Parts of The Body in order to Ultimately Restore Balance.
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